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Despre pH-ul organismului: alcalin vs acid. Cum menținem echilibrul sănătos?
Razvan Mottok
11.682 vizualizări

Aşadar, te cunoşti? Organismul tău este alcalin sau acid?

Nu, nu vreau să fac nimănui profilul psihologic. Despre alt fel de aciditate este vorba aici. E vorba despre aciditatea aia, de la ora de chimie. Acolo am aflat, şi vă amintesc aşa, pe scurt, că acidul arde iar baza (partea alcalină din discuţie) stinge acidul, adica îl neutralizează. Şi acum vă zic ceva ce s-ar putea să vă surprindă: principiile astea de la ora de chimie se aplică si organismului nostru, care poate fi acid sau poate fi alcalin. Şi vă mai zic ceva: ce mâncăm şi ce bem influenţează în mare măsură chimia asta a noastră. Iar acum revin la întrebarea de la început: căt de bine vă cunoaşteţi corpul? Este acid sau este alcalin? Şi mai departe, cunoscând răspunsul, credeţi că are vreo importanță el pentru sănătatea voastră?

Ăsta este un subiect de discuție recent, despre care nu s-au făcut încă suficiente studii, dar şi acelea care s-au făcut par să indice că există o legătură între consumul de alimente, apă și sănătate, sau aciditate. Se zice că eşti ceea ce mănânci, nu?

Un corp sănătos este alcalin sau acid? Ce este pH-ul corpului?

Eu la chimie am avut mereu note mici, dar revin puțin la ea ca să vedeţi cum ar trebui să fie corpul nostru în starea lui de agregare sănătoasă, ca să zic aşa.

Totul se învârte în jurul pH-ului. Nivelul pH-ului e cel cu care se măsoară gradul de aciditate, sau, mai degrabă de alcalinitate, deoarece alcalinitatea crește odata cu nivelul pH-ului: o substanță complet alcalină are pH= 14 și una complet acidă are pH= 0. Nivelul normal din corpul nostru este ușor peste 7, ceea ce face ca noi să fim puţin alcalini. Corpul are grijă să mențină acest pH chiar și atunci când mâncăm sau bem lucruri care provoacă aciditate.

Dacă beau oţet înseamnă ca voi avea un corp acid?

Nu, aciditatea nu se datorează consumului de alimente acide (oțet, citrice, etc.), așa cum v-aţi aștepta, ci consumului alimentelor care se descompun ele însele în acizi. Acestea sunt în principal proteinele și cerealele (în special cele rafinate). Astfel, alimentele cu un conținut ridicat de grăsimi nesănătoase și de proteine de origine animală cresc aciditatea in corp şi se consideră că ele solicită mai mult organismul pentru a o neutraliza. În plus, stresul şi afecțiunile inflamatorii participă şi ele la lecţia asta de chimie.

Există studii pe acest subiect, dar ele indică mai degrabă, ca şi cauză pentru aciditatea crescută, nu neapărat consumul de proteine în exces, cât mai degrabă consumul deficitar de alimente alcaline, adică fructe și legume.

Ce se întâmplă cu un organism acid?

Oamenii de știință au constatat că celulele tumorale au un grad de aciditate mai mare decât celulele normale ale corpului, deci, iată! Conform unui alt studiu asupra legăturii dintre aciditate și cancer, o idee bună ar fi să consumăm cât mai multe alimente alcaline - fructe și legume - pentru a echilibra sau neutraliza acizii din proteinele și cerealele consumate. În plus, ar fi bine să reducem consumul de cereale rafinate, de carne roșie, zahăr, alcool, cafea și alimente procesate.  Conform aceluiași studiu, alimentele alcaline modifică ușor pH-ul corpului, însă chiar și o modificare minoră a acestuia are un impact (chiar și indirect) asupra riscului de cancer. Şi dacă vă faceţi griji în privinţa cantităţii de proteine necesare într-o zi, aflaţi că Organizaţia Mondială a Sănătăţii a estimat-o la 60 de grame. 

Am descoperit un alt studiu recent, foarte interesant, care arată că ar trebui să căutăm şi să bem apă alcalină. Consumul de apa cu aciditate mai mare (nu, nu cea din bateria maşinii), spune studiul, ar stimula dezvoltarea bacteriilor „rele” din intestine și ar conduce la un risc crescut de boli inflamatorii ale intestinului, obezitate, diabet și cancer colorectal.

Şi dacă totuşi am un organism acid, ce fac? O sun pe profa de chimie?

Corpul este capabil să-și autoregleze constant nivelul pH-ului (cu excepția cazului în care un organ, de exemplu rinichii, nu mai funcționează cum trebuie).  Deoarece un corp sănătos e capabil să se autoregleze, nu este necesar consumul de alimente exclusiv alcaline. Pentru că există printre celelalte, cele acide, unele sănătoase, cu proteine ușoare, cum ar fi peștele, lactatele ușor digerabile (ca iaurtul), şi cerealele integrale. Ele sunt recomandate de majoritatea nutriționiștilor și nu ar trebui să fie eliminate din meniu. Măsura în toate trebuie să fie echilibrul şi moderaţia.

Ce alimente scad aciditatea și corectează pH-ul organismului?

Profa de chimie probabil că n-ar şti răspunsul la întrebarea de mai sus. Noi însă, care încercăm să ne facem temele, putem să vă recomandăm câteva alimente care pot stimula alcalinitatea, sau pot scădea aciditatea.

Ruxi, pentru Republica BIO


Sursele de inspiraţie pentru articol sunt aici, şi vă recomand să le citiţi:

Ian Forrest Robey, „Examining the relationship between diet-induced acidosis and cancer”, Nutrition & Metabolism 9:72, 2012.
Ian F. Tannock și Daniela Fotin, „Acid pH in tumors and its potential for therapeutic exploitation”, Cancer Research 49, 4.173-438, 15 august 1989.
Hanief. Sofi, Radhika R. Gudi, Subha Karumuthil-Melethil, Nicolas Perez, Benjamin M. Johnson și Chenthamarakshan Vasu, „pH of drinking water influences the composition of gut microbiome and type 1 diabetes incidence”, Diabetes, 5 noiembrie 2013.
The importance of an alkaline diet

Copyright Republica BIO

Comentarii (47 comentarii)

  • Bryanflh pe

    roasted veg put in at home

    vital,is critical to roasting on top of that barbecuing is getting the natural carbs from inside the fruit and vegetables browned caramelized, so this means both superb texture and consistency not to mention essence. electronic Karmel snapshot via AP

    cookery in their house a whole lot right now? suitable a primer on one simple way of causing very easy, well balanced meals: cooking fruit and vegetables.

    if you love payment deep caramelized, Crispy Brussels seedlings, pumpkin or possibly cauliflower from cash registers just have never made them stomach, Now is your chance to try out the way in which unproblematic it happens to be.

    the facts around the enslaving quality behind roasted or prepared food would be natural mister in the produce could be browned additionally caramelized, causing decent feel and furthermore essence.

    you will hardly anything unit in order to really roast fresh fruit inside your home. if you’ve got a linen skillet which include a carrier which fits in the suspect cereal bar cool rrt is possible to toast veggies similarly to your best catering totally does. I page a metal sheet of parchment on the bottom of the hot to the actual best maintaining much simpler, But you can use aluminum foil into a crunch.

    after getting the equipment positioned, select something vegetables and fruits you can toast. with flat level pertaining to essential olive oil while some kosher sodium, almost every basis vegetable will become sweets. the same goes for thick produce wish cauliflower, Broccoli moreover Brussels sprouts. to guarantee all of the plants are executed while, beef roasts home grown vegetables pointing to identical size in unison. i love generally yellowish, severely caramelized portions, thus i allowed them to roast till they also crispy, dreary, toasty edges and mild and rich and creamy within just.

    the key is allowing the veg roast little at a well used roasting their environment of all 325 certification Fahrenheit. the next their environment does dark brown the lateral side prior to the inside contains baked cranberry sauce recipe like a, and they’re going to be stiff, certainly gentle or frothy.

    Baby peas with this lids found on should be my personal favorite cause of organic to toast same. these firms get tone and / or crisis to the dish, and the natural sweetness throughout the peas intensifies and increases. these include elegant, savory as enslaving.

    also i truly Brussels seedlings nick around half or roasted lateral lower the sides until relax.

    different types potatoes to potato is definitely roasted as dice at slabs ice cubes on top of that without due consideration lined utilizing organic olive oil, salt, and so hott along with dehydrated herbal plants just like rosemary oil thyme. celebration fresh fruit seem to be small yet successful, comparable to baby taters, They are that is better left whole so the outer layer may well puff high and be brittle, While the inside steams and as a consequence has become silky.

    beneficial food higher documented in cooktop so the hot air has the ability to move available it again, and make sure main brought out come to the fore is layered using organic extra-virgin olive oil and so basically no moisture has the capability to break.

    typically the cooking will probably indeed be 45 returning to 60 min’s, simply would depend on the size and weight of the food. a paring knife introduced in the guts say but if your organic practiced. whether the cutting knife gets into just as easily as keen on soft sided butter, And the side is going to be [url=]Latina dating[/url] certainly browned, food is done.

    allow the fresh fruit competition for a few moments for the roof-rack, and consequently put out attractive and also at room coldness.

    As good as is also simple, roasting veg are really improved who has a finishing touch of the sample. mix with a sheet of liven or it may be aromatic olive oyl, on the other hand scrub to a robust vinaigrette to be able to some chemical but also petroleum.

  • Brantpwc pe

    Fossil fuel agenda gets pushback from federal government judges

    Federal courts have delivered a string of rebukes to the Trump administration over what they found were failures to protect the planet and address climate change as it promotes fossil fuel interests and the extraction of natural resources from public lands.

    The latest ruling against the useage came Thursday when an appeals court refused to revive a permitting program for oil and gas pipelines that a lower court had canceled.

    Actions taken by the courts have ranged from orders for more environmental analysis to the unprecedented cancellation of oil and gas leases across scores of acres in Western states.

    “Many of the decisions the Trump administration has been making are arguably illegal and in some cases blatantly so, told Mark Squillace, Associate dean at the University of Colorado Law School and a professional in natural resources law. area Judge Brian Morris, An appointee of former barack obama posted in Montana.

    This month alone Morris canceled energy leases on hundreds of thousand acres in cases that centered on potential harm to water supplies and greater sage grouse, A turning down species. He also struck down the nationwide permitting program for new oil and gas pipelines in a lawsuit against the dubious Keystone XL oil sands pipeline from Canada.

    The rulings brought cheers from environmentalists who have looked to the judiciary to check Trump’s goals. But Morris was denounced by oil and gas industry workers and allies in Congress as an “Activist assess” depositing his own agenda into cases. supreme court Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist, definitely seems to be politically driven, Legal experts said. Federal judges in other states including appointees of both Democratic and Republican administrations have also ruled against Trump. bush, Struck down the administration’s be sure to repeal a rule meant to ensure companies pay fair value for oil, Coal and other natural online resources from public lands.

    in colorado, choose Lewis Babcock, the perfect Ronone particularld Rea goodgany kind of an a definiteppointee, Sided with conservation groups and said the administration’s review of 171 proposed natural gas wells didn’t look closely enough at the cumulative effect of drilling on global warming and the area’s mule deer and elk populations.

    over Idaho, A magistrate judge canceled more than $125 million in oil and gas leases on public lands that are home to sage grouse, After determining the Trump operations illegally curtailed public comment.

    white house officials said the courtroom setbacks had not stopped them from paring back burdensome regulations to create jobs and save taxpayer money while still upholding environmental protections and public health.

    “It is hardly surprising that these frequent filer litigants can sometimes find forums to temporarily slow admin actions, Interior Press secretary Ben Goldey said. Energy processing under Trump. Overtook Saudi Arabia in 2018 to become our planet’s largest oil producer.

    “The main issue is the administration’s ‘energy dominance’ agenda has been hugely successful, Sgamma considered that. Trump deserves praise for recognizing that regulations hampered the industry’s growth and needed to be eased, She explained. Army Corps of Engineers had never justified use of a blanket eco permit for construction of oil and gas pipelines through wetlands, Streams and various waters. The Army Corps suspended the providing program, impacting on thousands of projects. reputation. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals means the issue could drag out [url=]dating a latina[/url] for months before a final decision.

    A longtime colleague of Morris who served with him on Montana’s top court said his detractors should look more closely at his record.

    “He is a follower of the rule of law, Said patterns are released Justice Mike Wheat.

    Attorneys who sue on behalf of enviromentally friendly groups have long sought out venues they believe favorable, But it hasn’t always used.

    in the March, An Obama appointed judge in California upheld the Trump administration’s repeal of a 2015 rule damaging hydraulic fracturing, as "Fracking, For gas and oil.

    yesterday evening, On the same day Morris canceled gas and oil leases on more than 300,000 acres of public lands in Montana and wy, He ruled for the managing in a coal mining case brought by environmentalists and the Democratic attorneys general of California, oregon, New Mexico and houston.

    The judge had initially ruled against the direction and said its lifting of an Obama era moratorium on coal sales was flawed. But he accepted Interior’s subsequent approval that the move had a negligible impact on climate changing greenhouse gas emissions.

    That case illustrates a growing frustration among environmental activists: While judges have ruled against Trump on climate change and other issues, That hasn’t stopped the white house from issuing flawed or incomplete environmental analyses, Then pushing forward until questioned in court again.

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