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Anti-aging facial mask with virgin organic coconut oil and raw cocoa powder, recipe by Sibel Grigore
Razvan Mottok
83 vizualizări

This homemade anti-aging facial mask is simple, but also very effective. It is made with raw cocoa and coconut oil. This mask leaves the skin clean, full of vitality and prevents the sagging of the skin.

You will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 teaspoon organic coconut oil - well-known for its hydrating and protective properties; it helps cure skin problems (eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis etc.); it is has also antibacterial effects.
  • 1 teaspoon raw organic cocoa - it contains antioxidants that help diminish wrinkles, it soothes and protects the skin from free radicals, it calms the skin and it closes pores.

How to prepare:

  • Mix all the ingredients in a glass bowl.
  • If the resulting paste is too runny, put the bowl in the frigde for a couple of minutes.
  • Cleanse your face.

How to apply:

  • Apply the facial mask in a thick layer on your face and neck and leave it on your skin for about 15-20 minutes.
  • Cleanse with warm water.
  • Apply a hydrating lotion or a thin layer of coconut oil that is also very hydrating.


Sibel Grigore, organic beautician

Copyright Republica BIO

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