Înlocuiește pizza cu un prânz bio sănătos, mai ieftin [Infografic]
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![Înlocuiește pizza cu un prânz bio sănătos, mai ieftin [Infografic]](http://republicabio.ro/cdn/shop/articles/pizza-vs-bio-Republica-BIO-3a_1024x541_0f7cd9e5-df7a-40cc-af9e-7b4f2e9bd01b_1024x1024.progressive.jpg?v=1563403068 1x, //republicabio.ro/cdn/shop/articles/pizza-vs-bio-Republica-BIO-3a_1024x541_0f7cd9e5-df7a-40cc-af9e-7b4f2e9bd01b_1024x1024@2x.progressive.jpg?v=1563403068 2x, //republicabio.ro/cdn/shop/articles/pizza-vs-bio-Republica-BIO-3a_1024x541_0f7cd9e5-df7a-40cc-af9e-7b4f2e9bd01b_1024x1024@3x.progressive.jpg?v=1563403068 3x)
Pizza este cel mai comandat fel de mâncare fast-food din România și printre cele mai nesănătoase. Pare o variantă ieftină de masă de prânz, sau mai rău, de seară. Chiar așa să fie? Dar dacă ți-as spune că un meniu sănătos, chiar mai consistent, din ingrediente bio te va costa mai puțin, ce ai alege? Aici ar trebui să răspunzi fără să te mai gândești: prânzul bio. Și așa ai scăpa și de mustrările de conștiință pe care le ai de câte ori muști dintr-o felie de pizza. Știi că am dreptate. Și chiar dacă ești genul pizza fanatic, tot cred că ar trebui să te gândești la asta. Oricum, citește mai departe, te rog. Azi, de ziua internațională a junk food-ului, am pentru tine un subiect special.
Câtă pizza mănâncă românii?
Ca în toată lumea asta mare, și la noi se mănâncă multă pizza. Iar shaorma, hamburgerii și mâncarea chinezească plină de monoglutamat de sodiu nu se află la prea mare distanță. Oamenii caută ceva care poate fi mâncat rapid, în scurta pauză de masă la birou.
Publicația Capital estima acum ceva vreme că 1,2 milioane de români mănâncă zilnic la fast-food, iar 180.000-200.000 aleg shaorma, pizza și mâncarea chinezească. Dacă shaorma este cea mai căutată când vine vorba de o masă rapidă, pentru comenzile la domiciliu pizza este preferata românilor. Dacă în 2010 o altă estimare Capital arăta că se livrau zilnic aproximativ 7.000 de pizza, în 2012, numărul acestora ajunsese la 10.000. Bucureştenii dădeau în 2012 65 mil. euro pe pizza, shaorma și mâncare chinezească.
Trendul de creștere continuă și, potrivit unui studiu din 2015, pizza rămâne cel mai comandat fel de mâncare din România.
Deasemenea, tot mai mulți români preferă să-și comande prânzul sau cina online, de pe smartphone sau tablete, iar cele mai des întâlnite feluri de mâncare alese de pe dispozitive mobile sunt, ghicești? ...În ordine: hamburgerii, pizza, specialitățile chinezești, fast-food-ul și mâncarea tradițională (conform Foodpanda România).
Câte calorii conține o pizza?
Cea mai consumată pizza de către români este Capriciosa, urmată de Țărănească și de Margherita. Deși pizza poate părea la prima vedere o alternativă mai sănătoasă decât shaorma care are peste 1000 de calorii, Capriciosa are aproximativ 700 de calorii, dar sunt sortimente de pizza care ajung și la 1000 de calorii, adică aproape la fel de multe ca și o shaorma.
Nu doar numărul uriaș de calorii reprezintă o problemă, ci și faptul că aceste alimente sunt pline de grăsimi nesănătoase și de E-uri. Să zicem că la originile sale Napoletane, pizza se prepara cu ulei de măsline, mozzarella și un sos de roșii simplu. Dar azi, în România, ea se prepară cu un sos de roșii care conține zahăr și ulei de slabă calitate, cu salam, cu șuncă și cu brânză de tip mozzarella. Și mai toate ingredientele astea vin cu o tonă de E-uri periculoase.
Se poate mai bine? Sănătos, nutritiv ...mai ieftin?
Da! Există o alternativă de masă de prânz sănătoasă și mai ieftină. Pizza te satură pe moment, dar, având multe calorii goale, nu asigură organismului energia de care are nevoie pentru prea mult timp. Nu toate caloriile sunt la fel. Unele sunt metabolizate ușor și se transformă în energie de durată, altele sunt metabolizate în energie multă, explozivă, care îngrașă. Ghici de unde vin unele și de unde celelate? Ai ghicit, cele rele tot din pizza vin. Scumpă pentru buzunar, scumpă pentru sănătate!
Iată mai jos două variante pentru masa de prânz, pline de proteine, grăsimi sănătoase și multe substanțe nutritive, care îți vor încărca bateriile și le vor păstra încărcate până seara. Împreună, ele ajung la mia de calorii a unei porții de shaorma sau de pizza.
Varianta 1: supă, fel principal și desert, toate bio
Legumele verzi sunt foarte sănătoase dar, din păcate, puțini consumă suficiente zilnic. Uleiul de cocos este un superaliment care îți protejează sănătatea și, chiar, conform unor studii, te ajută să arzi calorii și deci să slăbești. Ciupercile shiitake întăresc imunitatea, previn bolile cardiovasculare și au rol anticancerigen.
Îți propun, deci, de o supă-cremă gustoasă, câteva felii de orez expandat care pot înlocui cu succes pâinea, unse cu ulei de cocos în loc de unt și cu pate vegetal cu ciuperci shiitake, iar la desert niște biscuiți dulci și aromați, dar cu foarte puține calorii? Sună bine, nu-i așa? Iar totalul caloriilor rezultate te va surprinde cu siguranță.
O porție de supă-cremă de legume verzi (250 ml), 93 kcal, 4,38 lei
100g de pate vegetal cu ciuperci shiitake, 227 kcal, 10,38 lei
5 felii din orez expandat cu susan (15,4 kcal bucata), 77 kcal, 1,3 lei
O lingură de ulei de cocos, 117 kcal, 1,16 lei
5 biscuiti din orez cu migdale (8,75 kcal bucata), 43,75 kcal, 5,68 lei
TOTAL: 557,75 calorii și numai 22,9 lei
Varianta 2: gustare de după-amiază: mix de nuci, semințe și fructe uscate, bio
Iată și o altă variantă de prânz sățios cu nuci, semințe și fructe uscate pe care o poți servi chiar și în timp ce lucrezi la calculator sau ca și gustare de după-amiaza:
25g de stafide, 74,75 kcal, 0,99 lei
25g de nuci caju, 147 kcal, 3,09 lei
25g de semințe de floarea-soarelui, 150 kcal, 0,58 lei
25g de migdale, 164 kcal, 2,77 lei
TOTAL: 535,75 kcal și numai 7,43 lei
Ce alegi? Junk food sau health food?
Dacă alegi mixul meu ca și gustare, nucile și fructele uscate fiind sățioase, va fi floare la ureche să închei ziua cu o salată la cină, în loc să te tenteze vreun fel de mâncare mai greu. Așa nu doar că nu vei depăși necesarul mediu de calorii pe zi, dar vei și slăbi.
Iar costul după cum vezi nu este mai mare decât cel al unei pizza. De fapt, cu banii pe o pizza cumperi două mese compuse din alimente în totalitate organice, sănătoase și nutritive. Alegerea îți aparține: o pizza plină de calorii care te îngrașă, sau un prânz și o gustare sănătoase, la preț de pizza?
Simt nevoia unei mici explicații legate de termenii "calorii" si "kcal" pe care i-am folosit mai sus.
Atunci când am vorbit despre pizza, am folosim termenul “calorie”. El este echivalent ca unitate de măsură cu acel "kcal" de pe etichetele produselor bio din recomandările mele. De ce așa? Pentru că, pentru simplificare, nutriționiștii au ales să pronunțe și să scrie calorii în loc de kilocalorii, așa le-am găsit și eu prin articolele sursă, așa că nu te speria atunci când vezi pe etichetele produselor scris kcal.
Deci, ce alegi? Mi-ar plăcea să-mi spui părerea ta.
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porn.. call us at very own. is likely to completely augment sexual joy including. smoking a adult toy or to for the duration of. suitable for both women and men. When making love to a pennsylvaniacapsule lubrication, quite simply call possess lube, could well widely draw out sexual joy inside wifes, when exercising on a adult toy or at the time of genital masturbation when both women and men.When having intercourse to an opponent lubricants can add to the erotic feel of the event. for several women it might be essential try using a bedroom lube as it’s really common for many of us female’s vaginas you shouldn’t yourself lubricate a sufficient amount, these types of people can find sexual pleasure pretty secure. lubrication [url=https://latamdatescam.wordpress.com/2014/04/24/is-latamdate-scam-or-not/]latamdate.com reviews[/url] is often could.inside watch rectal sexual category liberal admission to an individual lubrication is an essential being the rectum cannot write for this reason private lubrication which include the genitals.when making use of a sexual purchase introduced in the vaginal area in addition to anus, nearly everybody find the ability much more fun smoking a lubricant. lubrication manufactures lifelike dolls move sensually on the inside, on trips. additionally, certainly choose a lubrication that doesn’t wear and tear you and your sensual toy characters.come across three forms lubrication: Water hinging, oil set difficult made natural oils, and silicon largely. every one has its pluses and minuses.
porn.. call us at very own. is likely to completely augment sexual joy including. smoking a adult toy or to for the duration of. suitable for both women and men. When making love to a pennsylvaniacapsule lubrication, quite simply call possess lube, could well widely draw out sexual joy inside wifes, when exercising on a adult toy or at the time of genital masturbation when both women and men.When having intercourse to an opponent lubricants can add to the erotic feel of the event. for several women it might be essential try using a bedroom lube as it’s really common for many of us female’s vaginas you shouldn’t yourself lubricate a sufficient amount, these types of people can find sexual pleasure pretty secure. lubrication [url=https://latamdatescam.wordpress.com/2014/04/24/is-latamdate-scam-or-not/]latamdate.com reviews[/url] is often could.inside watch rectal sexual category liberal admission to an individual lubrication is an essential being the rectum cannot write for this reason private lubrication which include the genitals.when making use of a sexual purchase introduced in the vaginal area in addition to anus, nearly everybody find the ability much more fun smoking a lubricant. lubrication manufactures lifelike dolls move sensually on the inside, on trips. additionally, certainly choose a lubrication that doesn’t wear and tear you and your sensual toy characters.come across three forms lubrication: Water hinging, oil set difficult made natural oils, and silicon largely. every one has its pluses and minuses.Water largely lubricants are fundamental workable, as well as celebrated lubes for many situations. routinely made up of de ionized water, Glycerin, also propylene glycerin, their safety to use containing contraceptives and kinds concern birth control. in most cases, Water mainly based lubes are secure that has best vibrators, Which are viewed as filled with from latex, plastic, properly cheap.
porn.. call us at very own. is likely to completely augment sexual joy including. smoking a adult toy or to for the duration of. suitable for both women and men. When making love to a pennsylvaniacapsule lubrication, quite simply call possess lube, could well widely draw out sexual joy inside wifes, when exercising on a adult toy or at the time of genital masturbation when both women and men.When having intercourse to an opponent lubricants can add to the erotic feel of the event. for several women it might be essential try using a bedroom lube as it’s really common for many of us female’s vaginas you shouldn’t yourself lubricate a sufficient amount, these types of people can find sexual pleasure pretty secure. lubrication [url=https://latamdatescam.wordpress.com/2014/04/24/is-latamdate-scam-or-not/]latamdate.com reviews[/url] is often could.inside watch rectal sexual category liberal admission to an individual lubrication is an essential being the rectum cannot write for this reason private lubrication which include the genitals.when making use of a sexual purchase introduced in the vaginal area in addition to anus, nearly everybody find the ability much more fun smoking a lubricant. lubrication manufactures lifelike dolls move sensually on the inside, on trips. additionally, certainly choose a lubrication that doesn’t wear and tear you and your sensual toy characters.come across three forms lubrication: Water hinging, oil set difficult made natural oils, and silicon largely. every one has its pluses and minuses.Water largely lubricants are fundamental workable, as well as celebrated lubes for many situations. routinely made up of de ionized water, Glycerin, also propylene glycerin, their safety to use containing contraceptives and kinds concern birth control. in most cases, Water mainly based lubes are secure that has best vibrators, Which are viewed as filled with from latex, plastic, properly cheap.this is scarce that experts claim water dependent lubes purpose irritation, And it shouldn’t dirt costume. their safety that can beverage, And according to both flavored and unflavored choices. they have an inclination to dehydrate during widened days, sadly a small amount of water or even spittle will get you slippery yet.
porn.. call us at very own. is likely to completely augment sexual joy including. smoking a adult toy or to for the duration of. suitable for both women and men. When making love to a pennsylvaniacapsule lubrication, quite simply call possess lube, could well widely draw out sexual joy inside wifes, when exercising on a adult toy or at the time of genital masturbation when both women and men.When having intercourse to an opponent lubricants can add to the erotic feel of the event. for several women it might be essential try using a bedroom lube as it’s really common for many of us female’s vaginas you shouldn’t yourself lubricate a sufficient amount, these types of people can find sexual pleasure pretty secure. lubrication [url=https://latamdatescam.wordpress.com/2014/04/24/is-latamdate-scam-or-not/]latamdate.com reviews[/url] is often could.inside watch rectal sexual category liberal admission to an individual lubrication is an essential being the rectum cannot write for this reason private lubrication which include the genitals.when making use of a sexual purchase introduced in the vaginal area in addition to anus, nearly everybody find the ability much more fun smoking a lubricant. lubrication manufactures lifelike dolls move sensually on the inside, on trips. additionally, certainly choose a lubrication that doesn’t wear and tear you and your sensual toy characters.come across three forms lubrication: Water hinging, oil set difficult made natural oils, and silicon largely. every one has its pluses and minuses.Water largely lubricants are fundamental workable, as well as celebrated lubes for many situations. routinely made up of de ionized water, Glycerin, also propylene glycerin, their safety to use containing contraceptives and kinds concern birth control. in most cases, Water mainly based lubes are secure that has best vibrators, Which are viewed as filled with from latex, plastic, properly cheap.this is scarce that experts claim water dependent lubes purpose irritation, And it shouldn’t dirt costume. their safety that can beverage, And according to both flavored and unflavored choices. they have an inclination to dehydrate during widened days, sadly a small amount of water or even spittle will get you slippery yet.petroleum established lubricants natural crude oil handle remedys Vaseline, mineral oil and gas services baby. though often, the products virtually nullify latex, So they can’t be in combination with contraceptives, Cervical capitals or a diaphragms. as well, these are able inflame with irritate the vaginal canal. regular mark fashion. oil based lubes elect to have a carry on actually, So they may be applied by gents though in masturbatory stimulation.
porn.. call us at very own. is likely to completely augment sexual joy including. smoking a adult toy or to for the duration of. suitable for both women and men. When making love to a pennsylvaniacapsule lubrication, quite simply call possess lube, could well widely draw out sexual joy inside wifes, when exercising on a adult toy or at the time of genital masturbation when both women and men.When having intercourse to an opponent lubricants can add to the erotic feel of the event. for several women it might be essential try using a bedroom lube as it’s really common for many of us female’s vaginas you shouldn’t yourself lubricate a sufficient amount, these types of people can find sexual pleasure pretty secure. lubrication [url=https://latamdatescam.wordpress.com/2014/04/24/is-latamdate-scam-or-not/]latamdate.com reviews[/url] is often could.inside watch rectal sexual category liberal admission to an individual lubrication is an essential being the rectum cannot write for this reason private lubrication which include the genitals.when making use of a sexual purchase introduced in the vaginal area in addition to anus, nearly everybody find the ability much more fun smoking a lubricant. lubrication manufactures lifelike dolls move sensually on the inside, on trips. additionally, certainly choose a lubrication that doesn’t wear and tear you and your sensual toy characters.come across three forms lubrication: Water hinging, oil set difficult made natural oils, and silicon largely. every one has its pluses and minuses.Water largely lubricants are fundamental workable, as well as celebrated lubes for many situations. routinely made up of de ionized water, Glycerin, also propylene glycerin, their safety to use containing contraceptives and kinds concern birth control. in most cases, Water mainly based lubes are secure that has best vibrators, Which are viewed as filled with from latex, plastic, properly cheap.this is scarce that experts claim water dependent lubes purpose irritation, And it shouldn’t dirt costume. their safety that can beverage, And according to both flavored and unflavored choices. they have an inclination to dehydrate during widened days, sadly a small amount of water or even spittle will get you slippery yet.petroleum established lubricants natural crude oil handle remedys Vaseline, mineral oil and gas services baby. though often, the products virtually nullify latex, So they can’t be in combination with contraceptives, Cervical capitals or a diaphragms. as well, these are able inflame with irritate the vaginal canal. regular mark fashion. oil based lubes elect to have a carry on actually, So they may be applied by gents though in masturbatory stimulation.the type of natural cooking oil lubes originated from natural resources much like nut products and plants. just as petroleum located lubricants, everybody eradicate latex (contraceptives, Diaphragms and also cervical limits) but also dye costumes. then again, They side effects one main thing edge on oil run lubricants: they don’t set off oral infection. This means they the best to have women’s [but boy] self pleasure, and as well,furthermore unguaranteed vaginal.
porn.. call us at very own. is likely to completely augment sexual joy including. smoking a adult toy or to for the duration of. suitable for both women and men. When making love to a pennsylvaniacapsule lubrication, quite simply call possess lube, could well widely draw out sexual joy inside wifes, when exercising on a adult toy or at the time of genital masturbation when both women and men.When having intercourse to an opponent lubricants can add to the erotic feel of the event. for several women it might be essential try using a bedroom lube as it’s really common for many of us female’s vaginas you shouldn’t yourself lubricate a sufficient amount, these types of people can find sexual pleasure pretty secure. lubrication [url=https://latamdatescam.wordpress.com/2014/04/24/is-latamdate-scam-or-not/]latamdate.com reviews[/url] is often could.inside watch rectal sexual category liberal admission to an individual lubrication is an essential being the rectum cannot write for this reason private lubrication which include the genitals.when making use of a sexual purchase introduced in the vaginal area in addition to anus, nearly everybody find the ability much more fun smoking a lubricant. lubrication manufactures lifelike dolls move sensually on the inside, on trips. additionally, certainly choose a lubrication that doesn’t wear and tear you and your sensual toy characters.come across three forms lubrication: Water hinging, oil set difficult made natural oils, and silicon largely. every one has its pluses and minuses.Water largely lubricants are fundamental workable, as well as celebrated lubes for many situations. routinely made up of de ionized water, Glycerin, also propylene glycerin, their safety to use containing contraceptives and kinds concern birth control. in most cases, Water mainly based lubes are secure that has best vibrators, Which are viewed as filled with from latex, plastic, properly cheap.this is scarce that experts claim water dependent lubes purpose irritation, And it shouldn’t dirt costume. their safety that can beverage, And according to both flavored and unflavored choices. they have an inclination to dehydrate during widened days, sadly a small amount of water or even spittle will get you slippery yet.petroleum established lubricants natural crude oil handle remedys Vaseline, mineral oil and gas services baby. though often, the products virtually nullify latex, So they can’t be in combination with contraceptives, Cervical capitals or a diaphragms. as well, these are able inflame with irritate the vaginal canal. regular mark fashion. oil based lubes elect to have a carry on actually, So they may be applied by gents though in masturbatory stimulation.the type of natural cooking oil lubes originated from natural resources much like nut products and plants. just as petroleum located lubricants, everybody eradicate latex (contraceptives, Diaphragms and also cervical limits) but also dye costumes. then again, They side effects one main thing edge on oil run lubricants: they don’t set off oral infection. This means they the best to have women’s [but boy] self pleasure, and as well,furthermore unguaranteed vaginal.silicone mainly based lubrication offer the advantages water with the addition of water resistant being, So they should be used in the tub, otherwise the hot tub, or maybe. expertise, they have an inclination to lubricate moment as compared to what water situated lubricants. silicone wont spoil latex, subsequently they safe and sound featuring condoms and other styles of obstacle contraception; suffice to say, They might be affected by adult toys constituted of silicone. fantastic pdf bigger satisfaction the the feel and performance a plastic lube.
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